Life after death?

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Life after death?
Life after death?
A guide to reaching the unimaginable wonders of Afterlife
Copyright 2018 Zoltan Bartok
For quite some time now I have been thinking about sharing something that could probably benefit anyone. What has held me back is the thought that we all have our own way of life, our own experiences from which we draw our own conclusions, and our own beliefs as to why we are here at all and where we might go once we reach the end of our journey here on planet Earth. Today, after reading a report on Facebook about some graffiti on a fence at Huntington Station that calls for the killing of all white people, I can hold back no more. And not only because I am white.
Well, to begin with, I have never really thought of myself as a white person, just as – after reaching a certain milestone in my maturing - I do not think of myself as leftist or rightist, liberal or conservative, and I prefer not limiting myself to a nationality, either. You might have already guessed that I do not belong to any branch of religion. Let me quickly add that my being irreligious does not mean I have no faith in Higher Powers.
It is possible that my thinking would not have evolved the way it has if I had a less adventures life. Growing up in Russian occupied communist Hungary got me started. Seeing my father jailed in 1956 after the revolution was crushed, being in jail myself at age 17 because of what the regime called an illegal attempt to cross the southern border of the country, and then – due to having a criminal record as a result of my illegal attempt - serving in a labor camp instead of doing regular military service had been no pleasant experiences. Of course, I had been mad at the communists and, mentally, I had suffered tremendously as a result of having no freedom. It took me just about a lifetime of struggle before I realized that I can actually be grateful that everything in my life happened the way it happened.
After almost 40 years abroad, I retired and returned to live my older years in Hungary strickly for financial reasons. Not being conditioned to worship money while growing up in the communist system, I have not managed my finances wisely, never invested in real estate, always rented or leased everything, so after I felt compelled to take early retirement because I was no longer able to deal with the stress at work, I could not have continued living in the USA on my limited social security income.
A girl I used to date before I left my native Hungary in 1973 asked me a thought provoking question not long ago. I guess it is appropriate to mention here that while I was pretty much a so-called rightist in those earlier years as a result of the experiences I described above, she had the mind of a leftist, serving as secretary of the communist youth movement at one of the universities. I think she genuinely believed in the goodness of communism (or socialism), and I assume she has not changed her mind even after the communist system totally collapsed by 1990. So, here is the question she asked me (in Hungarian, of course, as she never cared to learn English): „With your understanding and perception of freedom, how do you view the current situation in Hungary?” Her question surprised me somewhat because we had not had any politically toned conversations before. Perhaps she thought that after living in Hungary again for a few years now, seeing how disillusioned the segment of society that used to enjoy relative safety before capitalism replaced socialism is, I might also disapprove of the current government headed by one of the founders of the FIDESz party, Mr. Orban. The answers I gave her have a lot to do with why I started writing a response to that graffiti at Huntington Station.
Hungary is no different from other nations, it is segmented, it has always been. There are people who oppose other people, for whatever reasons. Since 1990, politics once again play a major role in this society. Naturally, both the leftists and the rightists believe that theirs is the right idea. Obviously, when the goverment is controlled by the left, the camp of the right suffers and vice versa.
I suspected that this former girlfriend of mine was not very happy about the Orban regime, as many on the left like to call the current government, so I tried to be careful in my answer. First, I pointed out that while she is grieving over how miserably some leftists might feel these days, she should not neglect thinking about all those who suffered much worse during the reign of the left, especially before holding democratic elections became possible. More about the essence of my answers later...
Before getting to the point about how life after death might be possible, this writing will attempt to analyse why so many will never even get close to achieving everlasting life.  It will attempt to analyse the connection between everyday life and the mystery of the Universe, and it will speculate about the biggest dilemma, the purpose of our being here, the meaning of our existence. When I perform this analysis, I do not like to rely only on scientific facts. No doubt, there are great scientific achievements. However, there is plenty of fake science as well. Especially since social media networks became so fashionable, true and real science has been diluted with a lot of nonsense. These days, people present their own ideas often based only on wishful thinking, or worse, based on stupid imagination. People talk about the Universe as casually as they talk about a bowl of potato soup. Personal opinions, theories and ideas often lack the deserved respect for the Unknown. People talk about God as if the guy was their fellow playmate. The worse part is that many of the young people rely solely on information they obtain from the jungle of the internet. Once they become so "learned", they will go on "educating" others. One has to be extremely careful when "knowledge" is so abundant. The type of "mental food" we consume can make us... or break us.
Back to my friend's question... I asked her to pay special attention to what I am going to describe in the following sentences - and I ask you, the reader, as well to do the same - because, I believe, it contains the most important message one will ever need to hear.
After reaching the conclusion that humanity is split into two major camps - the so-called left and right -, and that the differences between these two sides are irreconcilable, I began to wonder why. Why is it that a person on the left could not possibly start thinking the way a person on the right does - and vice versa - even if he or she forcefully tried? I found only one logical answer: humanity was created with two types of brains, a "leftist” brain and a "rightist" brain. Here is why: there is a need for an ongoing struggle between the opposing groups, there is a need for continuous conflict to stimulate the mind. If there had been no opposition, there would have been no need to think, to figure out how to defend ourselves or how to attack, how to convince or conquer the other side. The programming is so very deep - probably genetic - in our brains, that we firmly believe in our own understanding of how we should live our lives, how our world should function. Of course, this "own understanding" has significantly different meanings for the opposing sides. Obviously, “opposing sides” refer not only to people on the left versus the people on the right. There are all kinds of oppositions: males versus females, so-called whites versus colored people, conservatives versus liberals, christianity versus other religions, intellectuals versus the less educated, etc.
I could imagine living in a very peaceful world where everyone gets along nicely with everyone else, where people always agree with one another. Actually, that might even be a possibility in the distant future, provided humanity is allowed to exist long enough. Of course, such utopia would mean that every human being - or at least the vast majority of humanity - reached the highest possible level of mental evolution. Well, it is enough to think only of the "dark” Middle Ages to see how barbaric human beings can be. We have surely come a long way during the last few hundred years, nevertheless, wars, many forms of violence, all kinds of negative events plague our lives, so perhaps reaching perfection is only wishful thinking. Wishful thinking that is for humanity as a whole. And here is my theory: reaching perfection is not possible for the whole of humanity but it is a definite possibility for the individual.
I can only speculate as to how perfect one should become in order to pass as a real human being... and pass the BIG TEST. (More about the BIG TEST later.) What do I mean by "a real human being"? I will try to present a definition. I believe that one has to reach a certain level of maturity where one clearly realizes that there is a definite divider between right and wrong. One has to clearly understand what is right and what is wrong and has to be able to decide to continue living on the right side of life. (And here is something very interesting: perhaps the right side of life is not the same for a so-called rightist as for a so-called leftist.) Well, if I had to, I would identify myself as a rightist. I have definite ideas about what the right side of life means. In a way, I have been trapped in my own belief. I have been living my life accordingly. I have been playing my role just as a leftist plays his or her role. However, I realized at one point that as long as I think only as rightists do, I am only a "half-person". Ever since then I try to think along the entire scale of reality. This means that I also have to understand why a leftist thinks as leftists do. I can not accept an idea of the leftists for myself but I can accept it for them. This also means that I accept leftists the way they are, I respect their views, I think about them positively, I understand that they do what they are programmed to do, playing their role in this ongoing conflict. I would never try to convince them that they are wrong or that they should see the world through my glasses.
I have no intention of bragging but I think I have made significant progress in being able to relate to my fellow beings in a positive way. In fact, I don't really look at myself as "me" anymore. Instead, I see myself as someone who has gone through a lot, who has had plenty of challenges on this "testground" we call life, who has had many questions about our existence. And I am happy to say that I have received some answers. Answers, realizations that I feel obliged to share.
The most often asked question must be whether there is some form of continuation after our life here on Earth is over. Religions teach that our soul, our spirit, never dies. However, since no one has ever been able to give a clear explanation as to what exactly happens when, or after, our physical body stops functioning, life after death remains a subject of speculation. Many simply do not believe in life after death because there has never been any reliable proof of it or because they think it is scientifically impossible. Many believe in reincarnation which is also based only on speculation.
I will approach the life after death question with rational thinking. First, let us look at something that is equally puzzling: the infinity of the Universe. The human brain does not have the capacity to comprehend infinity but we can not deny that the Universe is infinite. So, only because the human brain is unable to understand how life after death is possible, it does not mean it is impossible. Second, we consciously realize our existence, we ask logical questions about it, so it would be extremely illogical if answers to our questions did not exist. There must be answers to every question, even to the question “what is the real meaning of infinity of the Universe”. Only because the human brain in its current form and capacity can not find the answers, it does not mean that there are no answers.
I conclude that the answers are waiting for us in our next phase of existence, after our life here on Earth is over. In fact, it is possible that the next phase will give us only partial answers, and additional phases will have to be reached to get fully enlightened.
Right now our immediate concern is surviving death. Most likely due to religious teachings, many believe in heaven and even have certain ideas of what it would or should look like. I might disappoint those who think being in heaven will be being in paradise, sitting on cloud nine doing nothing, enjoying everlasting happiness. I think the next phase will be a much harder “test ground” than what we are currently dealing with.
Now to the question of who might reach the next phase and what it might take to get there... The answer to this question is probably even more disappointing for many: there is no automatic qualification, meaning that it is quite possible that only a very few of us will make it to the next phase. Those of us who meet the criteria.
Our existence is most likely an experiment. An experiment by whom you might ask. Well, we have heard the name God a trillion times throughout history. For me, God means Higher Power, Higher Intelligence, a force superior to human beings. How much more powerful and intelligent than human beings? Who knows. This is just as much a mistery for us as life after death. Given the vastness of the Universe, God could have several trillion times the capacity of humans. We just have no idea. And if we dare to make the statement that anything is possible in the Universe, than we might as well say that God is capable of anything.
Why run an experiment with humans on planet Earth? Well, who are we, with our three pounds of jelly-like substance inside our skulls, to comprehend the doings of a Supreme Entity or Entities? (That force can be singular, can be plural, it can be anything at all.) The fact is that we do exist. Our existence can not be an accident. The Universe appears to be way too perfect and precise, it sure does not seem to function based on random or chaotic occurrences, so our being here must have a purpose.
I would not be surprised to find out – probably in one of those next phases, provided I make it that far – that I am here to learn all the answers to those Universal questions, that I am here to reach the necessary level of evolution where my capacities will eventually be so greatly enhanced that being able to relate to what infinity is, or what God is, will be as easy as two by two equals four. Again, if we accept that in this perfect Universe anything is possible, it takes no effort to imagine – as one of the possible scenarios – that our spirit, the combination of our ego, our identity, our memory, etc., leaves our physical body when we die and moves on to occupy some sort of an energy unit. I can even imagine that our synthetic, very durable new body will be able to move between the stars at the speed of light, or at the speed of thought, or faster, perhaps visiting planets where manifestations of just how perfect the Universe really is will be visible and can be experienced. Yes, if anything like this is a possibility, I would definitely like to be a part of it.
Here comes the possible disappointment. Some or many of us will probably never make it to the next phase. Not because we sinned or we do not deserve to ascend from this life. No, it is much worse: we might not have what it takes to reach perfection, or near perfection, needed to move on from here. Some of us who will move on are the positive results of this experiment, they are the ones who qualify. It is like the entry exam to a university: you might be beautiful, good hearted, well mannered, good intentioned and so on, without any negatives in your attitude, but if you do not score high enough, you are not admitted. Well, not reaching the next phase must mean that when your physical body is no longer capable of keeping you alive, you disappear, you cease to be. Therefore – and here comes the difference between just living and living consciously – we must start following our instinct as soon as possible. Yes, instinct. No one starts thinking consciously about life. The programming must be in our genes. For some, the first thoughts of who we are, why we are here come at an early age. For others, the awakening comes later in adulthood, and for some it never comes. Our surrounding, society, world events are all factors in our “coming alive spiritually”. The family we grow up in can have tremendous influence on our thinking. The family can actually derail our entire life, or it can put a brake on our development. Of course, it can also have a very positive effect, and those who are “lucky” enough to grow up in a constructive environment have a jump start. Well, if you are reading this, and you are one of those unfortunate ones who suffer because of a destructive surrounding, I urge you to find a way to liberate yourself and become independent as soon as possible. Guidance in the form of impulses to the brain continually arrive but you need to flush the surrounding that occupy you out of your brain, you need to free up brain capacity so that you can receive the impulses. It makes a huge difference whether your thoughts are generated by the circumstances that keep your mind busy or by the impulses that can stimulate you to move in the right direction.
I would like to make something very clear. When I talk about striving for perfection, I do not think of building a body full of muscle or to become a beauty queen so that you can impress the opposite sex. I am not talking about becoming a billionaire, either. What we need to do is increase our knowledge, accumulate as much useful information as possible. If we live a healthy life, eat well, rest enough, avoid destructive habits like using drugs, tobacco and alcohol, our super computer, the brain, will be able to work properly, digest the accumulated information and reach important realizations. I do not know how others progress mentally, I can tell you only about my own “journey”: the more I realize, the “hungrier” I get for knowledge.
I can only speculate as to what percentage of humanity, but I am afraid it is the large majority that do not care about whether they get a chance to advance to a next phase of existence. They probably will not. I think you must want to advance to get a chance. You must also believe firmly that advancing is a possibility. Most importantly, you must meet the requirements.
What exactly do I mean by requirements? Based on my own understanding, the bar is placed very high for us. As I said earlier, it is not enough just to be good, one must excel in becoming truly human. We have the Ten Commandments to teach us not to sin. Obeying these commandments is surely a good start. If you sin, and sin repeatedly, you are hopeless. Once you realize that what you have done is wrong, you must be able to avoid doing it again. For this you need to have already developed also the will power. Without will power you have a lot of catch up to do, so do not even dream about life after death yet... I believe that if the seed of goodness is not in you from a very early age, your chances are not very good. I am sure that God does not appreciate if you destroy or even just damage his/her creation. If you do it accidentally, unintentionally, that is a different story. However, if you kill your fellow being knowingly and intentionally, robbing him or her of the opportunity to become ripe enough to reach the next phase, you completely write yourself off. I would not hesitate to bet my life on this. 
A word of advice: do not unconditionally listen to me in everything. What is right for me may not be right for you. I am only trying to provide some basic guidelines. After all, we go through life on different pathways. I am sure there are no two identical lives, therefore, there can not be two identical belief systems, either, unless it is blind faith which is totally worthless in my opinion. We must have our own experiences to have our faith evolve. Obviously, - if we can think for ourselves -, we draw our own conclusions from our own experiences.
Do not ever go by what you hear from others unless the source is reliable without the shadow of doubt. On social media we can often read outrageous statements posted by unknowns who had read the same posted by other unknowns who had read the same... etc. The statement could have initially originated from someone who had an agenda, who knew cleverly how to influence the minds of others. Perhaps that statement sounded right for the initiator but it could have been an outright lie with the intent to mislead. Then comes Mr. Nobody and serves the news as if he knew what it was about.
Anyway, if there is something worth living for – and I am talking strickly for myself, hoping that there are others who feel the same way -, it is the hope that the mistery of the Universe can be solved. I just can not imagine anything greater. All right, let me rush to add that I have seven decades behind me so I can not possible see little pleasures of everyday life as being more attractive. I have already eaten at least 50,000 eggs, 3 tons of meat, 25,000 apples and lot of other food, and drank no less than 10,000 gallons of water. I cooked many times, washed the dishes, went shopping, etc. I have often wished I was not made of organic material. I imagined how great it would be to have a synthetic body, and instead of going to the market so often, I could go to fuel up at a filling station. I certainly hope that if there is a next phase, there I will not have to worry about a high maintenance body like the one I have now.
Back to what it might take to qualify for everlasting existence... I believe it is not enough just to be good and enlightened. One must have established direct connection to God. This means that you do not rely on another fellow human being, such as a priest, not even a supposed messiah like Jesus Christ... Of course, following teachings like that of  Christ is an excellent start but eventually you need to be able to follow God. How do you make such connection? Perhaps you do not because you do not have what it takes. If you do have what it takes, you will know it at one point or another during your life. Make sure you grab that opportunity and follow through the right way: stay on the right side of life for good. There will be plenty of traps, lots of temptations that can easily wash the memory of that very special moment - when you felt you made contact with God - out of your mind. Perhaps that special moment will not come ever again... However, even if you are a non-believer, but you would like to know whether you could turn into one, pray and hope that your prayer gets listened to. What do I mean by praying? Certainly not a session of kneeling in a church and reciting prayers from the big book. Praying must be your own thought process, trying to open your mind and inviting God into your life with genuine honesty. If you have difficulty convincing yourself that there can be a God, or if you think you know better than handing over control, your prayer will not bring result. You just can not fake it. You must start your prayer by stating that you believe you are a creation of a Higher Authority and by declaring that you would welcome guidance. You will be guided during your prayer and your mind will generate the right thoughts. Not because your mind is naturally capable of doing that but rather because your mind will start receiving the right kind of impulses. This, by the way, happens all the time without prayers. The ether is full of impulses that are trying to penetrate people's minds. The problem is that very few maintain minds open enough to receive these impulses. Some are unable to open up even when they try.
We are so used to consuming the mass of information with political tone, therefore, I am also inclined to sound political in order to be interesting enough for even the "shallow-minded". (No offense intended, most of us fall into this category from time to time.) Of course, being political automatically means that we take sides. Left or right.
The "leftist" gene could also be in those who are right-leaning, dormant until Higher Powers activate it in some of us - by sophisticated methods we could not even imagine - to make sure that the hard core minority on the left always has adequate fire power. I think it is clear for all those who use their mind for thinking that this hard core left is indeed a very small but extremely capable minority. The community of chessplayers could be used for comparison: the few grandmasters on the top, a fraction of the top 1 percent of all players, are as good as the rest of all the players combined. (A single grandmaster could successfully play and win the game against an army of average players pooling their resources, consulting with each other while playing.) Sometimes I wonder whether that hard core minority of the left is actually God in disguise. Well, if not, if they are just playing the role they are supposed to, they had better pay attention, too. 
This can not be emphasized enough: if you are here – on planet Earth - for this brief moment of existence only, you are horribly "shortchanging" yourself. In the infinite Universe, infinite possibilities await those who meet the criteria. With my limited imagination I can have some ideas but I am sure existing as an advanced entity means a whole lot more than what I could envision looking at the billions of dots of starlights in the frozen darkness of the night sky. Open your mind to the miracle that can be yours... and make sure you never again forget what it takes to be truly human, what it takes to achieve that unspeakable dream.
You may have a wonderful life here on Earth. You may be talented, you may have inventions that made you super rich so that you can enjoy a luxurious lifestyle that most only dream about. Remember, nothing lasts for ever. Every adventure, every journey comes to an end one day. The billions of dollars you may have accumulated will not help you, so start preparing for a possible ascension in time, before it is too late to try to get detached from what held your mind enslaved.
Regardless of which side you are on... you are wrong
You are wrong because you are on “a side”, because you are only a half entity... or less. Let's say you are a white male, and you think like a white male. First of all, you will have to learn to think also as a white female thinks, and then you will have to learn to relate to members of other races. You will not be able to do all that as long as you are trapped in your “being a white male”. The same goes for any other deviations: if you were born into a so-called Christian religion - just to name one of the many religious ideologies -, or if you adopted that faith for yourself for whatever reasons, you will have to be able to relate to members of all other religions. This might mean that you have to completely quit Christianity and open your mind to all other perceptions of the Almighty. Religion is a fragmentation of faith. Humanity has never had a clear idea of what God is but an explanation of a possible supernatural force has always been attempted. The search for the understanding has been different because long ago, when world wide communication was not yet possible, different groups of human beings who had not been in contact with each other approached the question  differently. Now that we are all connected and have sufficient knowledge, differing views of God should be buried and a unified search for understanding should prevail. For you, the individual who hopes to survive this earthly existence and make it to the next phase, what matters is that you can discard every thought, every notion that relates to any form of religion and leave your mind open so that you can have free capacity to receive the impulses that will lead your thinking in the right direction. If you have difficulties getting rid of deeply rooted ideas, I recommend you read the book “Your Divine Connection” written by Lew Miller.
Many books and videos trying to teach religions are meaningless. Some are outright misleading, derailing attention from the real meaning. All studies and researches should be focused upon finding, explaining and defining the level of perfection one needs to attain, not looking back on so many times repeated outdated information. Especially be aware of those who turn religion into their business enterprise. They are not really interested in your salvation, they are interested in making money. In most of the cases, they do not realize that what they do leads them straight to hell. In my dictionary, hell means the nothingness that comes when one's life terminates without the chance for the spirit to ascend to a next phase.
I believe it is extremely important to stay clear of alliances. Any alliances, whether it is only you and your friend or a huge military organization. Why? Because alliances are usually formed to the disadvantage of others. If you ally yourself with other human beings for defensive purposes, you are on the wrong track. The only real and absolute defense can come from allying yourself with God. If you can already believe this, you surely have the understanding of why this is possible and how it works... Doing anything at all to disadvantage others in any way is absolutely wrong, it is absolutely inhumane, and as long as you do not think so, you have no chance of making it to the next phase.
As long as you are against anyone, you are wrong. Of course, you might argue that we live in an extremely complex world. You might even bring up what I have mentioned regarding the ongoing conflict which is needed for the stimulation and evolution of the human brain. Yes, humanity as a whole is in a constant battle with itself, well, I mean members of humanity against other members of humanity. However, you, as the individual who wants to reach the next phase of existence, need to be able to rise above all that struggle, need to be able to go against the trend, and have to have the strength to do it all alone. Alone, because there are not too many like-minded ones.
We have heard the advice “repent” so many times. Religious teachers use it a lot. The problem is they never explain it understandably. Probably because they do not understand its real meaning to begin with.
Many people like animals. I also enjoy looking at them when they are funny or clever. Whether they have souls or consciousness is a question yet to be answered. I mention them here only to compare their behavior to that of human beings. I do not like predators. It makes me very sad when I see (on screen) a lion or a tigre catching and killing for example a young antilope. Many would argue that it is the way nature works. Well, that way for me is totally inhumane. Unfortunately, basic human nature is also predatory. Wars that result in deaths of soldiers or civilians are no different than animals killing each others. The stronger ones killing the weaker ones. I urge you not to want to, or not to be willing to be an accessory in any wars.  
We are either genetically programmed to take sides to make sure we do play a role in the ongoing conflict... or our brain continually gets bombarded not only by positive but also by negative impulses to make us lean one way or the other. It is then up to us to show the Creator that we have what it takes to resist being lured into limitations, to show that we understand the need to be able to think independently, to show that we know how to pass the “test”. Regardless of which side of the conflict we are on, the basic Universal Principles (the Commandments) are pretty much the same for everyone. Whether we are fighting on the “right” side or on the “left” side, and even if our intentions are noble, even if we fully believe that our struggle is for a good cause and our struggle is fair, sooner or later we will have to be able to free ourselves from our role. Once we have developed an independent mindset, once we have freed ourselves from all sorts of ideological dependencies, and we truly desire to move on from this limited life, then, I believe, we have a chance of reaching the level of perfection where transformation to a higher form of existence is possible.
If you are not even willing to pay attention to what would challenge your trapped mind and possibly set you free, you deny yourself the opportunity of becoming a whole person, you are doomed. 
Remember, the fight between the sides will go on. It is designed to be that way. It provides the testground. We are in the fight because we are programmed to be so that our brain gets the necessary stimulation that helps it to evolve. Here is the catch: we need to realize in time that as long as we are trapped in the fight, we have not graduated. We do not have to turn our lives upside down, we do not have to give up working in our profession or living our lives normally, but we need to stop taking sides, we must be able to clear ideological convictions from our mind. Do not pay much attention to leaders or "powerful" politicians who do their best to try to make you followers, they are probably disposable accessories in the Grand Design. Most of them are not likely ever to quit playing the role they were programmed to and will not get a chance to ascend. There is no such thing as a noble cause as long as it results in casualties on the opposite side. A really noble cause benefits everyone.
Let's make sure we free ourselves from the onesided role we were programmed to play. Let's clear ideological convictions from our mind. If we succeed, we could then gain a more universal understanding of our lives and reach the level of mental maturity where transformation to a higher form of existence is a possibility. I believe the Creator wants us to move on from here but it is up to us to prove that we have what it takes. Of course, it is entirely possible that there is no Afterlife, and that I and so many others hope the impossible. However, if there is, I would not want to risk missing it. Good luck to us all.
I have believed almost all my life that all our struggles can't be in vain, that we can't just disappear once our bodies throw in the towel, but I couldn't have my faith up to 100% because I couldn't imagine how it is possible to survive "death". Then, a few days after I finished writing "Life after death?", sitting in front of my computer, saving a file, it hit me. Now I can imagine how it might be possible to move on from this life.
Will you be deleted?
Who has not heard the religious term "being saved"?
Well, finally, we are in the age of the computer... and finally, we can realize what "being saved" might actually mean. It means, in my interpretation, that your essence, the part of you that is just as non-material as a file on a computer hard drive, will not disappear in the "void" when your physical body stops functioning... The same way you save a file onto another storage device let's say because your hard drive is about to die, our "Creator" (God, Allah, Yahweh, or whatever name/language you prefer) might save your "soul", the bio-electronic file that is You. Obviously, your "soul" is the combination of your identity, your ego, your consciousness, your memories, etc., everything other than your physical body, the "hardware".
Would you save a file that is not worth saving or a file that is corrupted? Probably not. Would our "Creator" save our "soul" if it was corrupt or not worth saving? I don't think so.
You might have your hopes up high by some "brave" entrepreneurs who promise that in a couple of decades they will develop technology to keep you alive forever by downloading your "mind" into a super-computer. I'm afraid, even if that became reality, it would mean "evolving" in the wrong direction. I'd much rather move forward by ascending to a higher form of existence, and I believe - if ascension is a possibility at all - that our Creator has just the right plan for those who meet the criteria. My writing "Life after death? A guide to reaching the unimaginable wonders of Afterlife" attempts to analyse what that criteria might be.
A new version of our file ("soul") is probably saved and stored after every event of our life so at the end of our physical life "God" could use the best file available, in which case it would not matter if, for example, Alzheimer debilitated our "hard drive" (the memory cells in the brain)... How could "God" perform the operation? By simple wireless technology, I think. The Universe is full of energy.
Of course, my speculation can be totally wrong; probably no human brain is capable of figuring out what really is going on here. Nevertheless, creating hope for ourselves can make us feel better about the big unknown we call death. And as many have already said: it is better to believe than not to believe.


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     I have believed almost all my life that all our struggles can't be in vain, that we can't just disappear once our bodies throw in the towel, but I couldn't have my faith up to 100% because I couldn't imagine how it is possible to survive "death". Then, a few days after I finished writing "Life after death?", sitting in front of my computer, saving a file, it hit me. Now I can imagine how it might be possible to move on from this life.
     Will you be deleted?
     Who has not heard the religious term "being saved"?
     Well, finally, we are in the age of the computer... and finally, we can realize what "being saved" might actually mean. It means, in my interpretation, that your essence, the part of you that is just as non-material as a file on a computer hard drive, will not disappear in the "void" when your physical body stops functioning... The same way you save a file onto another storage device let's say because your hard drive is about to die, our "Creator" (God, Allah, Yahweh, or whatever name/language you prefer) might save your "soul", the bio-electronic file that is You. Obviously, your "soul" is the combination of your identity, your ego, your consciousness, your memories, etc., everything other than your physical body, the "hardware".
     To a Quora question I described the "transformation" (being saved) this way: Transformation = your "soul" (the bio-electronic file that is You without the physical body) saved onto a device probably more sophisticated than your current "hard drive" (the memory cells in the brain), and entered into a realm most likely more advanced than the world we already know... saved by our "Creator" (the "Prime Operator").
     Not so long ago we ran around with stone axes in our hands. I believe that technology would be unknown if it had not been given to us by Higher Forces. Knowledge has been gradually revealed to selected individuals whose brains were capable of receiving impulses. (Another possibility is that representatives of those Higher Forces have been living among us disguised but I am more inclined to believe the previous version, mainly because of my own experience with discovering the game of Gle'x. If you care to read more about this, find L. Lynn Smith's 4-page article in the Abstract Games Magazine - Issue 11, August, 2002)
     Would you save a file that is not worth saving or a file that is corrupted? Probably not. Would our "Creator" save our "soul" if it was corrupt or not worth saving? I don't think so.
     You might have your hopes up high by some "brave" entrepreneurs who promise that in a couple of decades they will develop technology to keep you alive forever by downloading your "mind" into a super-computer. I'm afraid, even if that became reality, it would mean "evolving" in the wrong direction. I'd much rather move forward by ascending to a higher form of existence, and I believe - if ascension is a possibility at all - that our Creator has just the right plan for those who meet the criteria. My writing "Life after death? A guide to reaching the unimaginable wonders of Afterlife" attempts to analyse what that criteria might be.
     A new version of our file ("soul") is probably saved and stored after every event of our life so at the end of our physical life "God" could use the best file available, in which case it would not matter if, for example, Alzheimer debilitated our "hard drive" (the memory cells in the brain)... How could "God" perform the operation? By simple wireless technology, I think. The Universe is full of energy. 
    Of course, my speculation can be totally wrong; probably no human brain is capable of figuring out what really is going on here. Nevertheless, creating hope for ourselves can make us feel better about the big unknown we call death. And as many have already said: it is better to believe than not to believe.

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